An interactive guide to color and contrast

Color and contrast choices often are a product of personal preferences, but you can of course go deeper with it. Nate Baldwin provides an interactive guide on the perception of color and ties it to how it matters in the design of user interfaces:

This website is for designers to learn about color, contrast, and how it can affect experiences of a user interface. It provides quick access to relevant information at any point in the design process.

The content is thorough, but concise, and provides contextual insight to assist you in making educated decisions about color and contrast.

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Data Sketches, a monthly visualization matchup

Data sketches

Data Sketches, a collaboration between Nadieh Bremer and Shirley Wu, aims to visualize a monthly topic in two different ways.

Each month, we choose a topic and aim to have a visualization completed by the end of the month. Within the topic, we’re free to do whatever we want; a perfect opportunity to create, experiment, and have fun. The collaboration also gives us an encouraging sounding board, and a motivating pressure: a mutual reluctance of letting the other down.

They’re four months into the project with some fun results, and it’s a good example of how similar things can be shown in very different ways.

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