Urban Forestry In the Schoolyard: New PLOS ONE Research on Trees and Student Performance

0000-0002-8715-2896 Research into how nature impacts our well-being has shown that being outside makes us feel better. Images of nature alone have been shown to lift people’s mood. But is there any connection with how

Participate in the Data Visualization Community Survey

Elijah Meeks is running a detailed survey about data visualization people to gain a better understanding of who we are as a community. The work we do these days spans a wide range of applications, across a wide spectrum of art to analysis, and it should be useful to see the results. Once the survey is done, anonymized survey results will be available to download.

But first, make sure you put in your voice so we get a complete picture.


Posted by in news, survey



Majority of Americans agree that anthropogenic climate change is happening: will we be fairly represented in Paris?

image.pcol_.v02.i36.g001_landscapeImage credit: Mikael Miettinen (creative commons license)   By Sasha Wright, Mary Seeburger, and Willa Tsokanis This week I invited my FIT students, Mary Seeburger and Willa Tsokanis, to co-write a piece with me about education, public

People’s Republic of Science

sftpNo one does the long form science interview like Science for the People does the long form science interview*. If you have time to listen to Science for the People, then you have time to complete the mere ten questions that make up the Science for the People Listener Survey (if you want, you can save time by skipping the credits where they say I am marginally useful).

Think of it as your civic obligation to keep great science programming coming at your earholes – like voting, except that here your opinion actually matters.

*Probabilistically speaking, this is quite likely to be literally true.

Filed under: Items of Interest Tagged: Podcast, science for the people, survey

Musicians and scientists

Can you name a “musisci” – a person involved in both music and science? This was a question I asked over seven hundred people in a survey, and the answer looked like this:musisci

Without the top five answers, you can more clearly see some of the other ones:


As you can see, there are a lot of people who have both music and science in their life, and this includes about a third of survey respondents, as well.

Survey responses musisci.007

For the full results of the survey, see my blog post on easternblot.net. I’m also starting a quarterly newsletter about the musician/scientist overlap. First issue will go out today (with more survey results, some music, and related links), and the next one in August. You can sign up here if you’d like to receive it.

Filed under: Follies of the Human Condition Tagged: Music, science, survey