Hillside houses overlook smoke-belching steel mills in…

Hillside houses overlook smoke-belching steel mills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1949. Photograph by John E. Fletcher and Anthony B. Stewart, National Geographic Creative

Hillside houses overlook smoke-belching steel mills in…

Hillside houses overlook smoke-belching steel mills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1949. Photograph by John E. Fletcher and Anthony B. Stewart, National Geographic Creative

A man stands next to the cross section of a giant redwood tree…

A man stands next to the cross section of a giant redwood tree in California, 1909. Photograph courtesy U.S. Forest Service

A man stands next to the cross section of a giant redwood tree…

A man stands next to the cross section of a giant redwood tree in California, 1909. Photograph courtesy U.S. Forest Service

Men on horseback run through the surf in Tahiti, 1922….

Men on horseback run through the surf in Tahiti, 1922. Photograph by Edward Burton MacDowell, National Geographic Creative

Men on horseback run through the surf in Tahiti, 1922….

Men on horseback run through the surf in Tahiti, 1922. Photograph by Edward Burton MacDowell, National Geographic Creative

A view of the ornate art and architecture of a building in…

A view of the ornate art and architecture of a building in Chennai, India, 1948. Photograph by Volkmar Wentzel, National Geographic Creative

A view of the ornate art and architecture of a building in…

A view of the ornate art and architecture of a building in Chennai, India, 1948. Photograph by Volkmar Wentzel, National Geographic Creative

Arizona cowboys play sports to pass the time in Phoenix, 1955….

Arizona cowboys play sports to pass the time in Phoenix, 1955. Photograph courtesy Black Star, National Geographic Creative

A man herds sheep with the help of his collies in Scotland,…

A man herds sheep with the help of his collies in Scotland, 1919. Photograph by William Reed, National Geographic Creative