Science by Donation: Escaping the crowdfunding doldrums means creating your own breeze!

Source: Science by Donation: Escaping the crowdfunding doldrums means creating your own breeze! What does it take to get ordinary people to fund your science? This is the third in a series of posts that

Science by Donation: Ready, Set, Launch!

Source: Science by Donation: Ready, Set, Launch! What does it take to get ordinary people to fund your science? This is the second in a series of posts that will explore the brave new world

Science by Donation: Is scientific crowdfunding worth it? Let’s find out!

Source: Science by Donation: Is scientific crowdfunding worth it? Let’s find out! What does it take to get ordinary people to fund your science? This is the first in a series of posts that will

Science by Donation: Is scientific crowdfunding worth it? Let’s find out!

Source: Science by Donation: Is scientific crowdfunding worth it? Let’s find out! What does it take to get ordinary people to fund your science? This is the first in a series of posts that will

The Enemy of My Enemy is…My Alligator? Mutualism and protection rackets in the Florida Everglades.

spoonbills-and-baby-alligator-Lanoue-permission-e1456962900321-690x320Source: The Enemy of My Enemy is…My Alligator? Mutualism and protection rackets in the Florida Everglades. When you think of alligators the word friendly isn’t usually at the top of the list of descriptors, but

Becoming a Salmon: Highlighting deeper questions in education, decision making and ecology through simulation

Source: Becoming a Salmon: Highlighting deeper questions in education, decision making and ecology through simulation Water bubbles and the distant rumble-swoosh of rapids can be heard upstream. On shore the occasional bird calls from the

Ice ages and suffocating ocean zones: reconstructing past oxygen minimums with an eye to the future

Vampire_des_abysses-600x320A recent paper published in PLOS ONE uses geochemical and fossil evidence from the period of global warming at the end of the last ice age to reconstruct the depth and extent of ocean areas

City lights, urban sprawl, and uncovering the future of ecology with Dr. Peter Groffman

8247975848_9319234b38_k-690x320“For a long time in environmental science we’ve done a pretty good job of keeping people outside the box of ecosystems” says Dr. Peter Groffman, who studies the microbial and chemical ecology of urban landscapes

Pumas on the edge of town: how human-puma interaction may change the food web

1280px-8th_Place_-_Mountain_Lion_7487178290-690x320My phone buzzed in distress the evening of Nov. 10. UC Santa Cruz had just sent a text alert warning me and other students that someone had seen a mountain lion on campus. Stay indoors,

Eavesdropping on seabirds

Ecologists trying to pin down the complex web of connections swirling around a particular species need to start with the basics, things like the size of the population, and whether or not its members are