Say “Thank You, Public Health!”

Say "Thank You, Public Health!" |
This year APHL is partnering with Research!America for Public Health Thank You Day! On Monday, November 24th, take the time to thank the many public health professionals who work hard to keep you, your family and your communities healthy. Even though they often work behind the scenes, public health professionals are there protecting you.

We simply cannot say “THANK YOU!” enough to our members, the unsung heroes in lab coats! So we are going to take to our many social networks and say #ThankYouPublicHealth! Add the hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or any other network that uses hashtags. Complete the sentence…
Say "Thank You, Public Health!" |


#ThankYouPublicHealth for stopping Ebola in its tracks!

#ThankYouPublicHealth for that tiny heel prick that saved my baby’s life! #newbornscreening


Or simply add it to a shared article or photo!

If you have space, add the official Public Health Thank You Day hashtag #PHTYD and #APHL. We’ll be watching for posts and will share our favorites! If you would are not active on any of these social networks, leave a comment below and we’ll share for you.

Most importantly, we just ask that you shout it from the virtual rooftops… #THANKYOUPUBLICHEALTH!

Check out Research!America’s website for more great Public Health Thank You Day resources.