Imperfect science of #TheDress, RIP Leonard Nimoy and Mr. Spock

Devil in a blue dress See, this is part of the reason why people don’t trust science.  People crave complete explanations for the phenomena of life. Science is frustrating because mostly it can generate only partial explanations for now and … Continue reading »

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O(K Go)ptical Illusion

OK Go are known, in addition to their music, for their quirky videos, particularly a no-edit style that reduces “production values” (and costs) while making the whole thing that much more impressive. They’ve done a Rube Goldberg machine and a sound generating car-obstacle course combo. Now they have an entire video based on optical illusions.

One of my favorite things about optical illusions is not that they show that our brain can be tricked (which it can). It is that optical illusions are entertaining proof that the reality we perceive is a processed version of actual reality. Optical illusions represent a hack of that system.

Hat tip to Lauren Davis at io9.

Filed under: Song of the Week Tagged: io9, Music, music video, Neuroscience, OK Go!, optical illusion, The Writing is on the Wall