From the Community: What we talk about when we talk about genetic modification: Erin Zess on Medium

Source: From the Community: What we talk about when we talk about genetic modification: Erin Zess on Medium The big conversation is coming. With rapid developments in gene editing technology we are beginning to see the

Designers who expect the unexpected: What does Swarm Robotics have to do with Synthetic Biology, and why does it matter?

SR1Source: Designers who expect the unexpected: What does Swarm Robotics have to do with Synthetic Biology, and why does it matter? by Dr Chih-Chun Chen and Dr Nathan Crilly Synthetic Biology is a field born from

Frankenflies Sent To Defeat Monster Mosi: Zika in the English press

Mozzy_1-690x320Source: Frankenflies Sent To Defeat Monster Mosi: Zika in the English press by Brigitte Nerlich, Carmen McLeod and Steven Burgess A coalition of the willing has unleashed a surge of Frankenflies at the frontline of

Expanding the Synbio Toolbox: Microbial Communities Engineering by Konstantinos Vavitsas

Kostas_1-690x320Source: Expanding the Synbio Toolbox: Microbial Communities Engineering by Konstantinos Vavitsas Synthetic biology recombines biological parts to gain new functions. Does the definition of a part, however, include a whole microbial species? Biotechnology has relied

Engineering a Solution to Cancer

Catholic Laneby Steven Burgess I was stunned when I entered the hospice room. A shriveled, elderly woman sat in the corner, her tiny frame emphasized by the oversize chair that held her. It was hard to

Controlling the transmission of Zika and other mosquitoe-borne diseases by using genetically engineered mosquitoes

Captureby Gaetan Burgio In the past few weeks, Zika virus infection has become headline news and on February 1st, it was declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organisation,

How Synthetic Biology Will Solve Biological Mysteries and Make Humans Safer in Space by Lucas Hartsough

261578main_47_FirstAmerican_1024-7681-690x320The release of the hit movie The Martian highlighted the diverse engineering challenges in visiting the distant surface of another world. More recently, the historic landing of SpaceX’s Falcon first stage gives hope that access

Synthetic Biology: Reshaping the Future? Manchester Policy Workshop Considers Implications of SynBio by Yanchao Li and Philip Shapira

by Yanchao Li and Philip Shapira How to prepare for a world where synthetic biology can reshape our lives, economies, and environment was the theme of a recent workshop on “Synthetic Biology: Reshaping the Future?” Held

Maintaining the SynBio Community

693d04f0107e81b016b2e838447892fe-690x320In this final part of our review of 2015, we look at issues related to growth of the community. Last year saw the first synbio institute established in Singapore (SynCTI) and the investment by the

Organisms or Machines?

By Aakriti Jain Dr. Dan Nicholson is first a scientist, a molecular biologist. However, unlike most researchers in the constantly changing and expanding field of biology, Dan questions the very directions fields like synthetic biology