Modelling cell interaction, deciding on optimal paths and tracking tumour evolution: The PLOS Comp Biol August Issue

Here is our selection of PLOS Computational Biology highlights for August.

During the embryonic development of multicellular organisms, millions of cells cooperatively build structured tissues, organs and whole organisms, a process called morphogenesis. It is still not entirely understood …

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Stories from the road: Trials and tribulations of the ISCB Student Council

The Student Council for the International Society for Computational Biology was established in 2004 to promote the development of computational biology among young scientists. The group runs events and programmes, as well as supporting the creation of Regional Student Groups.…

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Modelling arterial hypertension, using the human genome in drug discovery and lessons from professional basketball: The PLOS Comp Biol May issue

Here is our selection of PLOS Computational Biology highlights for May.

No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man (Heraclitus of Ephesus, 535–475 BCE).  …

The post Modelling arterial hypertension, using the human genome in drug discovery and lessons from professional basketball: The PLOS Comp Biol May issue appeared first on PLOS Blogs Network.

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