The Case for Unlimited Tablet Time for Toddlers

This sounds extreme, but first let me ask: how many parents do you think actually keep track of their kids’ screen time? If the TV is on but one of the children wanders out of the room, does that count? … Continue reading »

The post The Case for Unlimited Tablet Time for Toddlers appeared first on PLOS Blogs Network.

Children Are Not Little Adults

Kids listening to a story

By Steven E. Krug, MD, FAAP

Imagine it. An earthquake shakes a California community, waking people whose homes have caught fire; responders must treat multiple children whose brief inhalation of smoke has rendered severe airway injuries. Or imagine a tornado rips through a town during the school day, and dozens of children need medical attention, but they’ve been separated from their identification and medical records. These are just two of the many disaster scenarios that pediatricians can help respond to—and also to plan for – so that the distinct medical needs of children are met.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????Children have distinct healthcare needs in regard to their anatomic, physiologic, developmental, and psychological characteristics. These differences make them among the most vulnerable of all “at-risk populations” during a disaster.   There are also social and environmental needs that should be considered in preparing to care for youth and their families during a disaster.

For example, children are more likely to sustain greater damage from smoke inhalation or from an aerosolized biological or chemical agent.  Children also are more prone to absorb chemicals or radiation through the skin.  They are closer to the ground, where contaminants may be more concentrated. They are at a substantially greater risk for hypothermia, which can happen from decontamination washes or exposure to cold temperatures in the field or disaster site, or even at a healthcare facility.

In addition, youth are more prone to develop shock due to smaller blood volume and smaller fluid reserves.  Compared with adults, they are more likely to sustain a serious injury with blood loss from blast injuries, as the force of the blast is distributed over a smaller body. Children also are much more likely to sustain head trauma from blasts or other blunt injury mechanisms due to their unique body proportion.

Equipment and supplies are another important consideration. The wide range of ages and body sizes within the pediatric population requires advance preparation to assure there will be appropriately-sized medical equipment and supplies, and acceptable medication formulations to support the care of young people of all ages.

Developmental immaturity also can place children at a greater risk during a disaster. Youngsters lack the cognitive abilities and self-preservation skills to know how to respond to a dangerous situation. The youngest may also lack the necessary motor skills to escape from a dangerous environment. They may be unable follow the directions of a “stranger” who is trying to help them; imagine how a pre-schooler would perceive emergency responders in biohazard gear giving them instructions.

Planning for Children Without an Adult Present

During a disaster, children may present to a healthcare facility without a parent or adult family member. Because children are highly dependent upon the support of parents and family, this poses a profound source of distress for children, their parents, and care givers. A primary goal when caring for unaccompanied minors in a disaster situation should be to reunite them with family members as quickly as possible. This may be further complicated for infants and preverbal children. In addition to providing necessary acute care, healthcare institutions must plan for key processes, including identification, tracking, and secure sheltering. Means for communication and interaction with local public safety and social service agencies should be established as part of disaster planning. Click here for more information.

How Pediatricians Can Help Their Patients and Community to Be Prepared

mental_health_imagePediatricians can play a vital role in helping local communities to be better prepared to address the emergency care needs of children.  First, the medical home—the place where a child regularly receives care– is an essential component of a community’s resiliency and recovery framework. Pediatricians should work with staff to ensure that there is a disaster plan for their practice– one that is regularly rehearsed, and one that will support continuity of operations when a disaster strikes.  Next, pediatricians are in a unique position to educate patients and families about emergency planning.  This is especially important for families whose children have special health care needs.

Pediatricians also can improve emergency plans within their communities by advising schools, child care facilities, local health care facilities and emergency planners about the unique considerations for children.

Because disaster events are impossible to predict, plans should be broad in scope and flexible in nature; pediatric surge capacity and care capabilities should be considered and practiced in both ambulatory and inpatient settings. And once those plans are activated during an emergency, pediatricians can partner with public health and emergency management leaders in conveying consistent messaging to patients and families.

As part of the effort to improve preparedness for children, the National Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters recently was established under the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013. Pediatric care subject matter experts are well represented on this important advisory committee.

For more information about special considerations for children in disasters, visit the AAP National Preparedness Month page.

Dr. KrugThis post was written by Steven E. Krug, MD, FAAP.  Dr. Krug is the Chairperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council.  He is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, the Head of the Division of Emergency Medicine at the Ann & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, and a member of the National Preparedness and Response Science Board.  




Fun times with whooping cough in #DavisCA

Just got this email.  I have removed the specific sender / facility since that does not seem needed for my purposes here.  I have replaced the name of the site with "Our Facility". Anyway - thought some people would be interested in the things that can happen when too many people in your community do not vaccinate their kids.

From: Office Administration 
Subject: Possible Exposure to Whooping Cough - Pertussis
Date: June 25, 2014 at 12:55:59 PM PDT
To: Office Administration 

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Our Facility was informed this morning that a student who has been attending a class since 6/16/14 has been diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough). The child is no longer attending the class and is under a medical care.

If you feel you or your child may have been exposed, watch carefully for symptoms in the next 1-2 weeks, and consult a physician if any occur. Here is some pertinent information regarding pertussis (whooping cough):

Pertussis can spread through the air when people cough. It often starts like a common cold which gets worse and worse over 1-2 weeks. People with pertussis have coughing spells that may last several seconds. As they catch their breath at the end of each coughing spell, they may gasp loudly (“whoop”) and vomit or choke.

The vaccine usually protects against pertussis, but sometimes even immunized children can get pertussis. Pertussis is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can also prevent the spread of pertussis to others.

Activities that may help stop the spread of pertussis include:
  • The exclusion of all pertussis cases from classes until they have taken the first five days of the antibiotic.
  • The administration of antibiotics for babies, pregnant women and other high risk contacts of pertussis cases as well as consideration of antibiotic administration for other household or close contacts to prevent the further spread of pertussis.
  • The administration of another dose of DTaP vaccine to babies and Tdap for older children who are not up to date on their vaccine series.
Please know that Our Facility is taking every precaution in this matter and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Office Staff