Fun(d) with Science

Many researchers will tell you that financing their work–writing grants, securing funding, and budgeting for varying funding levels year to year–is the least rewarding part of life in academia, but there’s no escaping the simple fact that science costs money. … Continue reading »

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Mammoth ain’t Mopey

I am very pleased to announce that the Mammoth is Mopey project of Jennie & David Orr passed its $104 funding goal on IndieGoGo last night. Personally, this means my kids will be getting a copy of this beautiful and inspiring book, one of our local libraries will be getting a copy of this beautiful and inspiring book, and that I will also be able to show my love for ankylosaurs on my messenger bag with a cool “Paleontology Fancier*” button.

Mammoth is Mopey by Jennie & David Orr (All Rights Reserved; Adapted with Permission)

It also means that you have one week left to pledge your support in the confidence that any pledge is actually a pre-order. You can get a print copy for only $15. My fellow parents know that $15 is actually a pretty good deal for an illustrated book that about which you are enthusiastic – and, if you are not enthusiastic about reading, art, and prehistoric animals, I really don’t know what you are doing here.

You can still take the “Which Mammoth is Mopey Character are You” quiz too. I got the artistic ankylosaur, which I think confirms the accuracy of the quiz beyond any shadow of doubt.

Ankylosaur is Artistic by Jennie & David Orr (All Rights Reserved; Used with Permission)

*More like fanciest – am I right?

Filed under: The Art of Science Tagged: crowdfunding, David Orr, IndieGoGo, Jennie Orr, Paleontology, parenting, reading, sciart

Glowing Futures

Back in 2010 I was a teaching fellow for a group of undergraduates competing in the International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM) with a project on “personalized”...


Crowdfund it?

Need money for your research project? Then someone has probably suggested “crowdfunding” as a solution. But, what does that really mean? Is it really a good solution? How would you actually implement it?

The University of Washington’s College of the Environment has created a crowdfunding FAQ based on the early experiences of its students.

I’m certain that experts in this area will find issues with the document, but what is of real interest is the academic institution taking an active role in trying to help their faculty and students navigate waters that are much trickier and more complex than many realize. In particular, they are providing guidance with how to use crowdfunding within their organization, which will vary from place to place.

There is also a flowchart. Internet, you love flowcharts.

*Hat tip to Steven Roberts.