AI-generated movie posters

Noah Veltman fed an AI movie descriptions and made it generate images. The results are in quiz form so that you can guess the movies. I would give myself a poor rating for guessing the movies, but once you see the answer, you’re like oh yeah of course.

Veltman used VQGAN+CLIP, which you can find out more about here.

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Dataset for rejected license plate applications

Noah Veltman just posted a dataset of 23,463 personalized license plate applications that were flagged for additional review by the state of California from 2015 to 2016. Casually scrolling through, for the plates people request and why they are flagged, this is a goldmine of amusement.

Veltman writes:

This data was parsed from a set of 458 Excel workbooks that the DMV prepared for someone else’s public records request. I received the files as a consolation prize in response to my own related records request, which I was told would cost $2,000 to fulfill otherwise.

Just on this information alone, I think we are obligated to do something with this dataset.

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News homepage design overview

As you click through the news, you can probably almost always figure out what source is loading without the URL or title. Just judge based on the layout. Noah Veltman made this overview to show how news orgs prioritize editorial content, ads, and sponsored content.

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