A more detailed view of the Mueller Report

By now we’ve all seen the zoomed out thumbnail view of the Mueller Report. It gives you a quick look at the amount of the report redacted, but that’s about it. So, Axios tagged every paragraph with events, topics, people, and places to make things easier to find and jump to.

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The redacted version (pdf) of the Mueller report was released today. Here’s the thumbnailed view for a sense of the redactions.

I had to do this in R real quick, or I wasn’t going to get anything done for the rest of the day. Here’s my snippet in case you’re interested:

# install.packages(c("pdftools", "png"))



# Dimensions of 1 page.
imgwidth <- 612
imgheight <- 792

# Grid dimensions.
gridwidth <- 30
gridheight <- 15

# Total plot width and height.
spacing <- 1
totalwidth <- (imgwidth+spacing) * (gridwidth)
totalheight <- (imgheight+spacing) * gridheight

# Plot all the pages and save as PNG.
png("all_pages.png", round((imgwidth+spacing)*gridwidth/7), round((imgheight+spacing)*gridheight/7))
plot(0, 0, type='n', xlim=c(0, totalwidth), ylim=c(0, totalheight), asp=1, bty="n", axes=FALSE)
for (i in 1:448) {
    fname <- paste("mueller-report_", i, ".png", sep="")
    img <- readPNG(fname)
    x <- (i %% gridwidth) * (imgwidth+spacing)
    y <- totalheight - (floor(i / gridwidth)) * (imgheight+spacing)
    rasterImage(img, xleft=x, ybottom = y-imgheight, xright = x+imgwidth, ytop=y)

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Connections and patterns in the Mueller investigation

While we’re on the subject of distributions, Fathom used a collection of beeswarm charts to show documents about the Mueller investigation over time and connections between individuals. It’s called Porfiry. Filled circles represent documents that represent connections, and circle size represents the number of documents.

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