EGOT Winner Timelines

Only 15 people have done it, since you know, it's not really easy to do. Here's how and when they did it. Read More

✚ Visualization the Medium, the Amorphous Blobby

A couple of famous directors were defending animated films as a medium rather than a genre of film meant for kids. I got to thinking about the parallels to visualization. Read More


Monday was Groundhog Day, which inspired one of the great films, Groundhog Day from the late, great Harold Ramis. It, consequently, inspired #GradhogDay, the revision of classic lines to have a science-y spin (and vent a little graduate school blues).

You can read all the tweets in the #GradhogDay Storify or contribute your own. So far, my favorite has been this offering:

Screenshot 2015-02-04 20.32.24

Filed under: Items of Interest Tagged: Andie MacDowell, Bill Murray, film, GradhogDay, Groundhog Day, Harold Ramis, movies, SCInema

Science a Movie Title – #ScienceaMovieTitle

Starting with #SciWars, we’ve been in the semi-regular habit of dedication Fridays to sciencing quotes from a particular movie, with one brief (or not so brief) foray into Shakespeare (#ShakesPeerReview). Often, the biggest challenge is not picking a great movie to do, but figuring out a good, science-y hashtag* (see #GhostBusterSci for an example of such difficulties).  So, I thought we could crowdsource some ideas. We got more than a few (as of this writing, there had been about 1000 #ScienceaMovieTitle tweets).

Today, we kicked off #ScienceaMovieTitle with:

Screenshot 2014-11-21 14.18.00

Haven’t run the numbers on it, but I can be pretty sure using a tortilla chip and guacomole to simulate the Philae landings is now the second best thing I’ve done on the Internet.

Click the image below for a progressively more complete Storify collection of the #ScienceaMovieTitle tweets. UPDATE: Your #ScienceaMovieTitle tweets required not one, not two, but three Storifys to contain them. We have a trilogy. Just as your favorite deity or deity replacement intended.

Screenshot 2014-11-21 14.25.23*I also have a backlog of scienced movie titles that amuse me, but aren’t associated with enough great lines to be good fodder for script rewrites (see #ConanthePostDoc for an example where folks only know one line – though there are SO many really).

Filed under: Items of Interest Tagged: film, movie, ScienceaMovieTitle, SCInema


We took some time off from corrupting classic(ish) films with science, but we came back strong this past Friday with #casLABlanca – a noble effort to science-fy the 1942 classic Casablanca. Despite the risk this posed, I was pleased with the results (measured by my lack of productivity on Friday), but I amuse easily.

Screenshot 2014-09-29 12.08.34

You can read the Storify of #casLABlanca, or even add your own “scinematic” efforts to the hashtag.

The Scinema Veritas ouevre includes:

#SciWars (Star Wars)

#ConanthePostDoc (Conan the Barbarian)

#TheGrantfather (The Godfather Trilogy)

#SciFace (Scarface)

Filed under: Follies of the Human Condition Tagged: #casLABlanca, Casablanca, film, Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, SCInema, scinema veritas

Stalking Squirrels for Science – A Silent Film

Brought to you by our good friends Bethany Brookshire (aka, @SciCurious) and Scott Lewis with a special thanks to our own Michele Banks’ squirrels.

Please help Bethany and Scott support the #DIYScienceZone at Geek Girl Con 2014.

HT: Brian Switek

Filed under: Curiosities of Nature Tagged: #DIYScienceZone, Bethany Brookshire, film, Geek Girl Con, scicurious, Scott Lewis, squirrels

Haze veils distant Asiatic Turkey across the Dardanelles,…

Haze veils distant Asiatic Turkey across the Dardanelles, October 1968.Photograph by James L. Stanfield, National Geographic