How different groups voted on Super Tuesday

The New York Times has a rundown of what happened on Super Tuesday, with five takeaways. One of the sections uses a ternary plot to show support for Sanders, Biden, and other candidates:

In case you’re unfamiliar, a ternary plot shows the ratios of three variables as a single position. In this case, the variables are support for Sanders, Biden, and Other. More support moves a point closer to the respective corner of the triangle.

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Super Tuesday simulator

With Super Tuesday on the way, there’s still a lot of uncertainty for what’s going to happen. FiveThirtyEight has their forecast, but even with results expressed as odds and probabilities, the outcome almost seems static and concrete. So FiveThirtyEight has a different way of poking at their forecast. Pick the winners in each state, note how the conditional probabilities change as you go, and see what might happen in the rest of the primary given your picks.

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