Melting ice, global effects

Ice is melting at the poles, which makes it seem like a localized problem. However, as NPR shows and describes in a visual series, the large amounts of fresh water melting into the ocean mixes in with currents and changes temperatures, chemistry, and water levels globally.

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Melting glaciers

Niko Kommenda for The Guardian used small multiples to show 90 of the largest glaciers in the world and how they have melted over many decades. The animation transitions between two time periods for each glacier, showing what was there earlier and what is left.

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Moving ice

Ice in Antartica is in constant (very slow) motion, and as ocean waters warm, the flow of ice accelerates. The New York Times mapped the flows, showing where the ice is headed.

And, if you’re interested in how they did this, NYT graphics editor Derek Watkins provides the rundown.

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Melting glaciers

Glaciers at Glacier National Park in Montana are melting. Using data from the United States Geological Survey and Portland State University, Nadja Popovich for The New York Times maps the shrinking glaciers with their 2015 footprint overlaid on their footprints from 50 years ago.

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