A closer look at the U.S.-Mexico border

The Washington Post provides a flyover view of the barriers at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s a combination of satellite imagery, path overlays, and information panels as you scroll. It gives an inkling of an idea of the challenges involved when people try to cross the border.

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A closer look at the U.S.-Mexico border

The Washington Post provides a flyover view of the barriers at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s a combination of satellite imagery, path overlays, and information panels as you scroll. It gives an inkling of an idea of the challenges involved when people try to cross the border.

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Visualizing the U.S.-Mexican border


There’s been a lot of talk about building a wall at the U.S.-Mexican border lately. Seems straightforward enough, right? Just put some bricks up and be done with it. Well, it’s not really that easy, just from a logistics standpoint. Nevermind the politics. Josh Begley for the Intercept grabbed satellite images for the 1,954 miles of boundary line and then strung together the 200,000 images in a time-lapse to show the scale of what “build that wall” means.

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