The Global Development Framework in Transition: Where are Mothers and Newborns in the Post-2015 Era?

1488557811_360d3d97b9_o-690x320By Dr. Koki Agarwal, Dr. Ana Langer  & Joy Riggs-Perla While the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) underlined the necessity of better policies and programs to improve maternal and child health, HIV and AIDS, malaria, and other health conditions,

CF Rx: Exercise

We can’t change our genes – yet – but we can alter our environments to ease life with an inherited illness. Meet two young people whose love of dance, running, yoga, and more is helping

How Did That Make It Through Peer Review?

Image credit: AJC ajcann.wordpress.comThe title’s question is one I’ve heard asked many times over the years. It has been uttered by senior colleagues, grad students, amateurs, and just about everyone else, too. The query is usually raised in

The Zika Virus – what do you need to know?

zik-world-map_active_01-26-2016_web_2-690x320Countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission (CDC) The more I read up on a topic, the more complicated it ends up being. As you start trying to unravel the ball of yarn, every

How Synthetic Biology Will Solve Biological Mysteries and Make Humans Safer in Space by Lucas Hartsough

261578main_47_FirstAmerican_1024-7681-690x320The release of the hit movie The Martian highlighted the diverse engineering challenges in visiting the distant surface of another world. More recently, the historic landing of SpaceX’s Falcon first stage gives hope that access

Featured Paleoartist: Studiospectre’s Stephen R. Moore

IMG_0196Speaking on behalf of Andy, Jon, and myself, we are always striving to make the PLOS Paleo Community a useful venue for our readers (and you can help us even more by taking the PLOS

How Open Is It? An interview with Greg Tananbaum

As Open Access becomes more widespread, quantifying the range of OA options has become complex. In this PLOScast, Elizabeth Seiver speaks with Greg Tananbaum, the owner of ScholarNext, about the spectrum of Open Access, the tool available

What’s your excuse for being inactive?

When Travis and I started writing this blog back in 2008, our lives looked drastically different than they do today. We were both graduate students in our 20’s, with ample spare time, good health, few

Open Access 2015: A Year Access Negotiators Edged Closer to the Brink

Bastian_Inverse_impact_law-1024x582It’s the year many negotiators got seriously tough on double dipping – charging for both the ability to read (via subscriptions) and for publishing (author processing charges, or APCs). Last year it was France getting tough

City lights, urban sprawl, and uncovering the future of ecology with Dr. Peter Groffman

8247975848_9319234b38_k-690x320“For a long time in environmental science we’ve done a pretty good job of keeping people outside the box of ecosystems” says Dr. Peter Groffman, who studies the microbial and chemical ecology of urban landscapes