Why Line Chart Baselines Can Start at Non-Zero

There is a recurring argument that line chart baselines, like bar chart baselines, must start at zero, because anything else would be misleading, dishonest, and an insult to all that is good in the world. The critique is misguided.

Line chart baselines do not have to start at zero.

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Ask the Question, Visualize the Answer

Let's work through a practical example to see how asking and answering questions helps guide you towards more focused data graphics. Read More

How to Visualize Recurring Patterns

Things have a way of repeating themselves, and it can be useful to highlight these patterns in data. Read More

Why People Make Bad Charts (and What to Do When it Happens)

It's important to consider the reasons so that we don't overreact. Otherwise, we're just berating, pointing, and laughing all of the time, and that's not good for anyone. Read More

Visualizing Differences

Focus on finding or displaying contrasting points, and some visual methods are more helpful than others. A guide. Read More

Visualizing Outliers

Step 1: Figure out why the outlier exists in the first place. Step 2: Choose from these visualization options to show the outlier. Read More

Visualizing Incomplete and Missing Data

We love complete and nicely formatted data. That's not what we get a lot of the time. Read More

Visualizing the Uncertainty in Data

Data is an abstraction, and it's impossible to encapsulate everything it represents in real life. So there is uncertainty. Here are ways to visualize the uncertainty. Read More

4 Tools to Pick Your Chart Colors

These are the quick and simple tools I use to pick colors to represent data. Read More

Falling is Learning

I’ve been teaching my three-year-old son how to ride his bike on two wheels. When I first took off the training wheels, he quickly lost his balance and felt discouraged. He thought he would be able to ride far and fast right away. He felt stuck, and gaining the skill to ride seemed out of reach.

I told him it was okay to fall. I used to fall all of the time, and sometimes I still do.

I said, “Falling is learning.”

He asked incredulously, “You fall?”

“Yep. It’s normal. That’s how you learn.”

“Okay.” He hopped back on his bike with his eyes on the path. “I’m going to try again.”

He can ride now. He rides farther every time we take the bike out, and I’m starting to lose my breath running alongside. He still falls, but every time he hops up and reassures me, “It’s okay. Falling is learning.”

This is how I approach programming for visualization.

I’m not great with code. I don’t know the best way to do everything. I just try to get things to work the best I can. I debug a lot. Especially in the beginning, when learning any new language, package, or framework, nothing seems to work, but eventually it does.

Visualization beginners get stuck here. Is this the right language? Is there a better way to do this? The key is to fight off these questions in your head early on. The great thing about visualization is that you get instant, visual feedback and your wonderments will answer themselves.

If the chart is wrong, then yeah, there probably is a better way to make it. Debug. Adjust. No big deal. You learn to avoid the mistake next time.

You will fall a lot, especially in the beginning. But that is okay. That means you’re learning.
