Highlights from the 2015 Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society

Going to conferences is one of my favorite aspects about being a scientist. As a PhD student, I spend a lot of my life in solitude: when I read new literature, when I program new experiments, or when I conduct … Continue reading »

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The Dress

I was not particularly interested in “The Dress” for I had long ago accepted the fickle nature of both human and technological perception. That, however, does not mean one should dismiss* “The Dress” as trivial, a distraction, or a waste of time. Andrew David Thaler expresses the key point of this social phenomenon extremely well:

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*One should probably dismiss all the cheap marketing attempts to capitalize on “The Dress”, as well as Time naming the original poster as one of the 30 Most Influential People on the Internet.

Filed under: Follies of the Human Condition Tagged: #thedress, Andrew David Thaler, Linkonomicon, social media, The Dress, viral

Imperfect science of #TheDress, RIP Leonard Nimoy and Mr. Spock

Devil in a blue dress See, this is part of the reason why people don’t trust science.  People crave complete explanations for the phenomena of life. Science is frustrating because mostly it can generate only partial explanations for now and … Continue reading »

The post Imperfect science of #TheDress, RIP Leonard Nimoy and Mr. Spock appeared first on PLOS Blogs Network.